Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Well, for this blog to be worth keeping after so many years of not doing much with it, I've decided to use it as a way of viewing my fiction writing, which has been my focus since 2012.

The idea is to just put it up there and see what it's like to read it in a different medium and get some fresh feedback from it, knowing few to none will even read it. (But for the stray straggler
wandering the waves of the Internet.... Love that thought, oh cyberstraggler.)

So, will shortly upload the first chapter of Time in Hand.

We Begin the Year with a Thought-Provoking Lunar Eclipse.

Lunar eclipse, January 2019

The morning after this eclipse, I found myself wondering about the red-hued moon, a resulting phenomenon of seeing the moon through the Earth's atmosphere.

Is red a product of blue minus yellow or white?


JUST FOUND OUT: Red equals white minus green minus blue!