Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Nutrition that supports sleep....

Nutrients in salmon, beans, yogurt, and spinach, can be forerunners to a restful sleep, according to RealAge.com (A Web site run by Oprah's physician consultant, Dr. Emhet Oz), which is citing Eat Your Way to Happiness by Elizabeth Somer, RD as its reference.

And courtesy whitehouse.gov....
Help for Haiti: Learn What You Can Do

The ladies of The View, blew out any warped reasonings about why Haiti's experiencing this tragedy. On their Thursday 1/14/2010 show, they discussed the country's misfortune and the significance of helping Haiti to rebuild itself.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Did You Notice?

Haiti: Go to WhiteHouse.gov and CNN.com/impact, for ways to help. Donations, from $10 to $100, will go a long way in these early days.

Martin Luther King's Birthday: Declared a day of service.

Foreign accents: What's the deal with TV audiences being treated to folks with accents (Easy-Off is one example) or foreign actors coached in American accents. (Two cast members on Brothers & Sisters; 1 on The Mentalist; 1 on now-defunct Eli Stone; and 1 on Gray's Anatomy, are just a
few that spring to mind.) What does it say about people and their semi-conscious or unconscious objectifying of others? My thinking at the moment is world citizenship is more at play than any one nation will ever admit, but nationality and ethnicity tend to polarize people around physical appearance and language. Onwards with the diversity movement!

Well-armed body: More tips for strong-body nutrition (not "diet," which suggests weight loss)... Freeze-dried black raspberries contain even more cancer-fighting anthocyanins than fresh berries do. And freeze-dried fruit can keep for over a year. Freeze-drying the berries concentrates the nutrition, but attenuates it as well. Check this out...

Objectifying women discussion on The View, on Wed. 1/13/2010. Catch up on ABC.com.

Signing off,


Saturday, January 09, 2010

More Strong Body/Strong Mind, Better Able

More good info for the health- & body-strengthening nutrition department, which ultimately has its consequences in our mind- and spirit-health. (You need to have a body to be spiritual with!)

Please note the deliberate steps to avoid the word "anti-cancer." For moi, it implies you have to have cancer in order to want to take steps to avoid it. Nutrition and life style strengthen our ability to resist and/or better manage our lives, which are exposed to a host of diseases and stresses.

Enough spiel... so curry, tumeric, black pepper folks... add it in your cooking and eating programs.

Interesting as lately, I'm craving lettuce, olive oil, and black pepper combinations. Hmm...

Check out: Health Discovery: Curry, Black Pepper May Help Prevent Breast Cancer.

Friday, January 08, 2010

Armed body, Stronger body & Broccoli-cheese soup

You can see I'm more planetary-bound today...

While watching ABC's GMA on TV this morning, I was struck by a physician's personal account about using nutrition to help his body better fight a recurring brain cancer.

Largely plant- and grain-based, the life-style Dr. David Servan-Schreiber is espousing specifically includes the powerful effects of tumeric and certain fats (olive oil). He suggested reducing meat consumption, too. While stress doesn't necessarily cause cancer, he observed first-hand how it weakens the body's ability to fight cancer. Go to an excerpt of his book.

While you're there, check out this easy recipe for
broccoli and cheese soup.

Ciao for now.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

We enter a new decade... or are we what's new?

As we embark on a new year, in a new decade, one has to wonder about the nature of change.
Is there anything we will see happen differently this year? Or, will we be seeing things happening--now, as before--differently? Nothing like a good conundrum with which to start the year.